Sunday, September 28, 2014

hot autumn equinox

hot autumn equinox --
vintage autos surround the square
gleaming in the sun

At the annual autumn auto show, people are still dressed for summer, lining the sidewalks and the still-green-grass on the square to watch the parade of vintage automobiles drive past to receive their trophies. 

The DJ from Odyssey Music has stopped the music so we can hear the awards announcer over the speakers. 

Like many onlookers, these three men brought their own folding camp chairs.

While these three share one of the green wooden benches.

This year there are few really old vehicles, like this 1939 Mercury. I have to keep reminding myself that cars and trucks from the 70s are now 50 years old. 

Many of them have been repainted in vivid colors that dazzle the eye as they reflect the bright afternoon sun.

Even the spanking-clean engines are decked out in brilliant colors.

I just get drawn into the reflections on the gleaming paint and chrome and glass.

As I'm leaving I see my favorite vehicle of the day -- a three-wheeled stroller for three!

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