Monday, June 13, 2011

round red claro signs

round red claro signs
adorn a blue wall, red door,
light casting shadow

Next to si, claro is probably the most often used word in Spanish. As an adverb it means, clearly, sure, of course. Claro que si is often used as an expression of agreement, yes, of course. As an adjective, claro has the additional meaning of light in color. Claro has been cleverly adopted as the name of a mobile phone company in South and Central America. The round red Claro signs, with little rays of white light above the o, are seen everywhere. The sign on this building, with its cerulean blue walls and carmine door, announces an authorized distributor. The faces and slogans pasted on the post outside are presidential campaign posters. I wonder what the graffiti sprayed on the wall means. Perhaps, where there is light, there is also shadow.

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